Under construction - work in progress

General rules

This site contains informations on Ease3 CMS, a CMS forked from TYPO3 4.5LTS.

Whole site is managed by Interazioni di Antonio Nati, with collaboration from other developers and volunteers.

All informations, software and documentation of this site are presented with the utmost care after accurate verification, but are provided as are, without any warranty and without any obbligation: use this site and its content at your own risk.


Inter@zioni® is a registered trademark of Interazioni di Antonio Nati.

Ease3 name, Ease3 CMS name and Ease3 logo are trademarks of Interazioni di Antonio Nati.

Ease3 and Ease3 CMS names are here used quite interchangeably, but they have these specific distinctions:

  • "Ease3" name is mainly referring to the whole project
  • "Ease3 CMS" name is mainly referring strictly to CMS package.

Ease3 name, Ease3 CMS name and Ease3 logo may be used for fair usage, commercial or not; more specifically they may be used by projects, companies or persons to advertise skills, activities, use and support of Ease3 CMS, but cannot be used for names or logos of products, software, services or websites which could lead to misleading conclusions about the real producer or could falsely imply relationships with Interazioni di Antonio Nati.

For different usage of Ease3 name, Ease3 CMS name and Ease3 logo, a written consent must be requested to Interazioni di Antonio Nati. In doubt, please ask us.

Usage of names or logo does not imply any association with Interazioni di Antonio Nati, or any obligation of Interazioni di Antonio Nati towards anyone.

TYPO3 name and TYPO3 logo are trademarks of TYPO3 Association. See http://typo3.org for any additional information.

All other trademarks and logos belong to their respective owners.


The most of code of Ease3 CMS comes from TYPO3 4.5 LTS, and so the most of copyrigths of Ease3 CMS code belong to TYPO3 Association. The same applies to extensions, whose copyrights belong to respective owners.
See http://typo3.org for any additional information.

Interazioni di Antonio Nati has the copyright on modified or added code of Ease3 CMS and extensions.

For other code, different copyrights may apply.

In any case, every source file in Ease3 CMS mantains copyright text as provided by original owner, and all original license and copyright files are included in Ease3 CMS package.

If you want to use Ease3 CMS with a different license, you must contact TYPO3 Association as well as Interazioni di Antonio Nati. If any extension is needed, license change permission must be requested to extensions owners.

Software and documentation licenses

Software and documentation, of this site, created by us are generally under MIT license unless otherwise noted. We like the MIT license (as well as the BSD license) , because we believe this is the real way to promote open source.

Software and documentation, of this site, modified by us, but derived from other products with different licenses, may inherit a different license. Check specific material for specific license info.

Software and documentation, of this site, created or provided by other owners may have different licenses. Check specific material for specific license info.

Software and documentation provided through usage of links to external websites is covered by the license reported in their websites.

That means we'd love to apply MIT licenze to Ease3 CMS distribution, but we cannot because Ease3 is a fork of TYPO3 4.5 LTS, and original TYPO3 4.5 LTS license is based on GNU 2.0 license, which is very restrictive.

We'll make the best to provide detailed and specific informations on licenses applied to various documents and software, but shortly you may assume:

  • TYPO3 4.5 LTS software and documentation has GPL 2.0 license.
  • Ease3 CMS software and documentation, in the parts which are copied from or derivative of TYPO3 4.5 LTS, has same GPL 2.0 license.
  • Other software and documentation, coming from different owners or with different licenses, may have different licenses; check specific material for specific license info.
  • Plugins and software which are distribuited separately from Ease3 CMS package are covered by different licenses. Please check individual licenses for those software.
  • If none of previous conditions apply, there are good chances MIT license is applied.

Images and photos licence

All images and photos are property of their respective owners, and reproduction permissions should be asked to them.


Although the software discussed in this site comes strictly from TYPO3 4.5 LTS, this site has no relation with "TYPO3 Association", and vice versa.
To contact the "TYPO3 Association" please visit http://typo3.org.

We are producing our best effort for respecting the rights of each legal owner, for any software and documentation contained in this site.
If you feel that some copyright has not been respected, or has been reported in wrong way, please write us and report exactly the document or the software with the corrections to be made.

Licenses definitions

MIT, GLP 2.0 and other licenses are explained here: