Under construction - work in progress

This section describes all major features which have been added to Ease3, or have been deeply modified.

Public access to FE pages disabled during maintenance
Flexible option for disabling access to FE pages during maintenance
Customization of error and maintenance pages
Generic error page and maintenance page may be substituted easily with custom pages.
FE login with username or email address
Let FE users access using what they remember better: email or username.
Customize default http:/https: behaviour
Set default schema behaviour for all site, trees or sections of pages, single pages.
Scheduler enhancement
Scheduler has been enhanced with better logging, forking, seconds resolution.
jQuery multiple libraries compatibility
Finally extensions using different jQuery libraries may work together.
Flexform enhancements
Use flexform sheets as project libraries or repositories; use AND/OR conditionals
TS condition frontEndLayout for versatile pages
Let BE users choose layout for FE pages.
Additional link vars
Add other link vars specific to some destination pages