Under construction - work in progress
10 July 2021

Ease3 5.0.0 (PHP7.3, MySQL 5.7 - MariaDB 10.3) is coming soon

Category: Home page, Ease3 core, Extensions


Compatible as ever, adding PHP 7.3 and working also with MariaDB and MySQL 5.7

It has been a nice but boring job, full of unespected and unpleasant surprises, sometimes needing infinite patience mixed with a little bit of unconsciousness if not outright madness, but Ease3 has been updated in order to keep all current PHP/MySQL requirements while adding also support for:

  • PHP7.3 (and likely PHP8)
  • MySQL 5.7
  • MariaDB 10.3

All core code has been updated for PHP7.3 and for newer MySQL and MariaDB servers, while mantaining complete compatibility with older PHP and MySQL/MariaDB servers.

mySQLi driver is automatically used if mySQL driver is missing (as of PHP7+).

A compatibility library has been added in order to help debugging/repairing of extensions which use deprecated/obsolete functions. For these extensions we also suggest a (working) SQL compatibile session setup which mantains compatibility with newer SQL servers.

Also some very used extensions have been updated.

Stay tuned!