Under construction - work in progress

Three mailing lists are available, in english language, for various purposes.

Info - keep informed

Subscribers will only receive announces and general informations which may have some importance: ease3-info@ml.ease3.org.

To subscribe, write an email to ease3-info-subscribe@ml.ease3.org and confirm your subscription by answering to confermation email.

To unsubscribe, write an email to ease3-info-unsubscribe@ml.ease3.org and confirm your unsubscription by answering to confermation email.

Subscriptions are not moderated.

Audience: anyone.

Ask - Ask for anything

Subscribers will be able to post messages and ask for advices or other. They will also be able to reply to others and help as they can. Substiantally, this is a free mailing list: ease3-ask@ml.ease3.org.

To subscribe, write an email to ease3-ask-subscribe@ml.ease3.org and confirm your subscription by answering to confermation email.

To unsubscribe, write an email to ease3-ask-unsubscribe@ml.ease3.org and confirm your unsubscription by answering to confermation email.

Subscriptions are not moderated.

Audience: end users, webmasters, developers of any level.

Please, note and be aware than probably none is going to answer to questions made from people which is simply thinking that other's time is free and may be wasted. If there is the feeling that you did not study and try enough by yourself, high likely your questions will remain unanswered.

Developers - for professional coders

This mailing list will permit professional coders to contribute to Ease3 development. It will be used for sharing opinions and anything else which may help both Ease3 and professional coders: ease3-development@ml.ease3.org.

To subscribe, write an email to ease3-info-development@ml.ease3.org and confirm your subscription by answering to confermation email.

To unsubscribe, write an email to ease3-development-unsubscribe@ml.ease3.org and confirm your unsubscription by answering to confermation email.

Subscriptions are moderated. You will be requested to introduce yourself and your company, and give some informations about you activities of professional coder.

Audience: professional developers. People with (preferably) at least 50.000 lines of code experience (in any language), developing packages and/or software projects.